Google Ads in a Fixed Floating DIV

Google Ads in a Fixed Floating DIV
Answer to an often asked question. My advice to AdSense users is to focus on continuous good quality content and have some patience.

Users of Google AdSense often ask a question: Is it okay to show AdSense ads in a fixed position div element?. Such a div is created by position:fixed in style property. A lot of AdSense publishers feel the urge of placing Google ads in such floating div. They believe that it will get more clicks on Google ads and therefore they will earn more from their website / blog. Yes, it is true that such an ad may push your CTR up —but such floating ads are not allowed by Google. That makes such fixed position ads a dirty black hat trick.

You should not place ads in fixed floating DIVs because it is against the Google’s Ad Implementation Policy, which states:

In order to ensure a good experience for users and advertisers, publishers participating in the AdSense program may not:

Compensate users for viewing ads or performing searches, or promise compensation to a third party for such behavior.

Encourage users to click the Google ads using phrases such as “click the ads”, “support us”, “visit these links” or other similar language.
Direct user attention to the ads using arrows or other graphical gimmicks.

Place misleading images alongside individual ads.

Place ads in a floating box script.

Format ads so that they become indistinguishable from other content on that page.

Format site content so that it is difficult to distinguish it from ads.

Place misleading labels above Google ad units. For instance, ads may be labelled “Sponsored Links” or “Advertisements”, but not “Favourite Sites” or “Today’s Top Offers”.
Many Adsense users who are trying to find their feet in this business of blogging become frustrated by seeing not much income in the initial days. This leads them to explore various “tricks” to increase clicks on Google ads. But trust me all this is going to be counter-productive. By playing tricks you may get good click rate –but if Google will soon discover your website’s wrong intentions –and your well performing website may get penalized. You don’t want to do that –do you?

These tips will help you using Google AdSense in much smarter way.

Google Adsense pays but not for free or meager work. You need to work hard in order to ensure a continuous flow of good quality content for your readers. Then it requires patience. If you can do these two things –there is no reason why you would need to resort to tricks like placing Google ads in fixed position floating div.

All the best in your blogging efforts! On TechWelkin, I publish a lot of very helpful and experience-based information related to blogging. Do subscribe to my newsletter and learn the art of making money online!

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