Google AdSense: PIN was not Received

Google AdSense: PIN was not Received
If you don’t receive AdSense PIN by post, your payment will remain on hold. Learn how to get your AdSense PIN or upload ID for verification and begin to show commercial AdSense ads on your website.
Harry wants to use Google AdSense to make money and he happily start the process. He starts a blog, registers for  an AdSense account, gets approval from Google, creates ads, integrates ad code in his blog posts and begins to show online ads.

The next day Harry logs into his AdSense account to see how much he has earned. First thing that might disheartens him is the figure of earning from previous day ($0.00 or may be $0.01)… On top of this, he finds a message from Google that his AdSense payment is on hold. Tension!

Even more tension comes in when Harry sees that the following message:

Your pages are displaying Public Service Advertisements (PSAs) because you haven’t yet verified your PIN and/or phone number. See the Payment History page for more details

But when Harry looks for details, he feels relieved because Google says that a PIN Number has been mailed (not emailed) to him. When received, this PIN number should be entered into the AdSense account for removing the hold on payments and start showing commercial ads.

Google takes to precaution of sending PIN number by post just to verify your postal address (this is where you receive your pay cheques). However, as it happens with many people; postal mail containing the PIN number never arrives!

Non-receipt pf AdSense PIN is a common problem.

Harry logs into his AdSense account and requests for the PIN to be resent; and Google sends the PIN again. Sometimes the elusive PIN still does not come. You can make up to three requests for PIN number. And sometimes, after all these requests, the PIN number… still does not come!

What to do if AdSense PIN does not come?
After you have tried all three attempts of receiving PIN from Google AdSense, and failed, don’t lose heart. The next step is to send Google AdSense a scanned copy of your ID.

Your ID must show your postal address and it must be same as the one that you have given to AdSense. The best ID to send is your Passport. Scan the first page and the last page (so that you can show your details, passport’s details and address details) and upload the file in the above given form.

Other valid IDs could be your bank statement, government ID, voter ID, telephone/electricity bill etc. The ID must show your name as well as the address.

If you do not have access to a scanner, you can take a good photo of your ID using your digital camera or mobile phone. Make sure that the relevant details are clearly visible in such camera photos.

Google staff will see your ID and verify your address. They take from one day to a couple of weeks to finish this process. Once they’ve verified your address, they will remove payment hold on your AdSense account and will begin to show commercial ads on your website. At this point, you’ll get an email from AdSense team saying something like:

Thanks for your email. After verifying your ID proof, I am happy to let you know that I have manually overridden your PIN requirement and you won’t be required to enter another PIN for this account in the future.

So, dear reader, please don’t be distressed if you have not received your AdSense PIN. A lot of people don’t get it in first attempt. If you don’t get the PIN just follow the above given procedure and you’ll be fine.

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